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Erenia and Zenas

We introduce to you our two new raids: Erenia and Zenas!

These new raids offer rewards you may like, but they are quite challenging… So be careful!

These raids are a bit different from the usual ones. You can't use normal potions here! And believe us, the monsters deal high damage. You need to craft ImageZena's Health Potion andImageErenia's Resource Potion from the Potion NPC in NosVille. These are the only one potion that works in Zenas and Erenia.

And remember, those raids aren't the type of raids where you should be AFK! All kinds of help are needed, such as DPS, support, and debuffs. The more people who are AFK, the longer the raid will take.

Zenas Raid Guide

  • Max 5 times per day.
  • Earn 8 Raid Points per raid.
  • Gain 200,000 Reputation per raid.
  • Receive 2,500 Family XP per raid.
  • Upon completing the raid, you will receive a Raid Ticket, Zenas' Wing, and a Zenas Raid Box.
  • Normal potions cannot be used in this raid. You must craft Zenas' Health Potion and Erenia's Resource Potion from the Potion NPC.
  • The Double Box buff does not apply to Zenas/Erenia Boxes; however, it does affect Raid Tickets.
  • Recommendations: +10 Armor and S5/S6 Resistances are highly recommended due to the high damage from monsters. A variety of SPs, such as healing and debuffing, is essential since normal potions cannot be used.
  • Craft Seal from NPC in Arcade Zone.

First Phase – Splitting Paths
Upon entering the Zenas Raid, your team will be split into two sides. Each side must clear the rooms by defeating all the enemies before proceeding.

Second Room – Archangel Lucifer
In the second room, you will face Archangel Lucifer. Defeat him to unlock the path to the next challenge.

Third Room – The NPC's Fate
After defeating Archangel Lucifer, your team will have to make a crucial decision—protect the NPC or let her die.

💠 Protecting the NPC – Grants a specific debuff to Zenas, making the fight easier.
💀 Letting the NPC die – Results in a different debuff, altering the difficulty of the final battle.

Your choice will directly affect Zenas' strength in the final phase, so choose wisely!

Prepare for battle, coordinate with your team, and take down Zenas!

Zenas Raid Box

  • Zenas' Divine Wings Swapper X1
  • Partner Skill Ticket (Single) X1
  • Biome Core X2
  • Golden Drake Box X2
  • Evolution Badge Rarify Changer X5
  • Stary Water X5
  • Random Amulet Box (Raid Quest) X10
  • Premium Rune of Fortune Scroll X25
  • Loa Runic Powder X80

Prayers to Zenas Npc

Item NameRequired Material(s)
ImageBadge Rarify x15 ImageZenas' Wing 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 10x
ImageBadge Upgrade x15 ImageZenas' Wing 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 10x
ImagePartner Skill Ticket (All) x2 ImageZenas' Wing 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 10x
ImageEvolution Badge Rarify Changer x1 ImageZenas' Wing 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 20x
ImageRandom Amulet Box (Raid Quest) x5 ImageZenas' Wing 3x and ImageRaid Ticket 30x
ImageLoa Runic Powder x60 ImageZenas' Wing 5x and ImageRaid Ticket 100x
ImageRunic Dragon Powder x60 ImageZenas' Wing 5x and ImageRaid Ticket 100x
ImagePremium Rune of Fortune Scroll x40 ImageZenas' Wing 5x and ImageRaid Ticket 100x
ImageJewels Bag x25 ImageZenas' Wing 5x and ImageRaid Ticket 100x
ImagePerfection Bag x25 ImageZenas' Wing 5x and ImageRaid Ticket 100x
ImageRich Energy Perfection Bag x20 ImageZenas' Wing 5x and ImageRaid Ticket 100x
ImageNoble Cat's Eye Ring ImageZenas' Wing 20x and ImageRaid Ticket 300x
ImageNoble Cat's Eye Bracelet ImageZenas' Wing 20x and ImageRaid Ticket 300x
ImageNoble Cat's Eye Necklace ImageZenas' Wing 20x and ImageRaid Ticket 300x

Erenia Raid Guide

  • Max 5 times per day.
  • Earn 8 Raid Points per raid.
  • Gain 200,000 Reputation per raid.
  • Receive 2,500 Family XP per raid.
  • Upon completing the raid, you will receive a Raid Ticket, Erenia's Horn, and an Erenia Raid Box.
  • Normal potions cannot be used in this raid. You must craft Zenas' Health Potion and Erenia's Resource Potion from the Potion NPC.
  • The Double Box buff does not apply to Zenas/Erenia Boxes; however, it does affect Raid Tickets.
  • Recommendations: +10 Armor and S5/S6 Resistances are highly recommended due to the high damage from monsters. A variety of SPs, such as healing and debuffing, is essential since normal potions cannot be used.
  • Craft Seal from NPC in Arcade Zone.

First Room – Clearing the Mobs
As soon as the raid begins, Erenia's minions will spawn in the first room within a few seconds. To proceed to the next room, you must defeat all the monsters in this area.

Second Room – The Altar Stones
Upon entering the next room, you will encounter five Altar Stones. In order to summon the large stone, you need to destroy all five Altar Stones first.

Once the large stone appears, eliminate it as well. After defeating it, you will gain access to the next teleport, leading you straight to Amon’s chamber.


You need stone type equipments to deal damage on them, you will always deal 10k fixed damage without stone equipments.

Third Room – Amon's Challenge
Amon is a formidable opponent, so be prepared for a tough fight! Once you defeat Amon, you will finally be able to enter Erenia’s chamber.

Final Room – The Erenia Battle
This is where things get intense! Erenia is extremely powerful and has a unique ability—she can randomly teleport a few players to a different room, forcing them to fight against additional monsters before rejoining the main battle.

Stay alert, work together, and fight strategically to claim victory over Erenia!

Erenia Raid Box

  • Erenia's Demonic Wings Swapper X1
  • Partner Skill Ticket (Single) X1
  • Biome Core X2
  • Golden Drake Box X2
  • Evolution Badge Rarify Changer X5
  • Stary Water X5
  • Random Amulet Box (Raid Quest) X10
  • Premium Rune of Fortune Scroll X25
  • Loa Runic Powder X80

Prayers to Erenia Npc

Item NameRequired Material(s)
ImageBadge Rarify x15 ImageErenia's Horn 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 10x
ImageBadge Upgrade x15 ImageErenia's Horn 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 10x
ImagePartner Skill Ticket (All) x2 ImageErenia's Horn 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 10x
ImageEvolution Badge Rarify Changer x1 ImageErenia's Horn 2x and ImageRaid Ticket 20x
Image[Free]Potion Box x1 ImageErenia's Horn 3x and ImageRaid Ticket 30x
Image[Free]Curse Box x1 ImageErenia's Horn 3x and ImageRaid Ticket 30x
ImageStar Hammer x1 ImageErenia's Horn 3x and ImageRaid Ticket 50x
ImageStary Water x1 ImageErenia's Horn 6x and ImageRaid Ticket 100x
ImageJinn Specialist Partner Card ImageErenia's Horn 15x and ImageRaid Ticket 300x
ImageMini Valehir ImageErenia's Horn 50x and ImageRaid Ticket 1000x
ImageMini Asgobas ImageErenia's Horn 50x and ImageRaid Ticket 1000x
ImageChange SP ImageErenia's Horn 50x and ImageRaid Ticket 1000x