What is a Badge ?
The badge is a NosVoid custom feature. It's basically an additional shell with custom options you can put on your character. It will take the amulet spot in your character window (P).
How to get your badge ?
You can buy a badge in the Badge Room map in Port Alveus. It costs 1b Gold and you can have 7 badges maximum per character.
How to upgrade/bet your badge ?
When you buy your badge, it's r0+0. You can upgrade and bet your badge until r8+10.
You need to use Rarify Item to increase the rarity of the badge. Rarify Items can be crafted at Rarify Craft NPCs in Badge Room or you can get them in some raid boxes or Fortune Wheel.
Once you reach the highest rarity, every single rarify item you use on your badge has a 100% chance to change your options. You can now start to rarify your badge in order to get the options you want on it.
You need to use Upgrade Item to increase the level of the badge. Upgrade Items can be crafted at Upgrade Craft NPC in Badge Room or you can get them in some raid boxes or Fortune Wheel. Upgrading the badge will increase the option values. You can upgrade your badge to +10 maximum.
Recoloring your Badge
We've added recolor system, offering smoother experience for our players.
What is Badge Evolution ?
Evolve Your Badge evolves your badge and grants you 2 new extra effects to help you on your journey.
You can also craft Evolution Badge Rarify Changer that will change those extra two effects into random ones.
You can craft them at the Soul System NPC in Prestige 4.
From badge evolution, you can get two of the following effects:
- All Attack are increased by %: 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8
- All Defenses are increased by %: 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8
- All cooldowns are decreased by %: 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12
- Damage in raid is increased by %: 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12
- All Attack/Defense/Property perfections are increased by: 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10
The values of the effect are random.
What are the suggested options to have?
For PvE:
It's suggested to have 2 badges, one for shadow/light element and one for fire/water element. The suggested effects are:
- C: Increased damage with X element
- B: During raid attacks, there is a chance to deal 60% extra damage
- A: Increased fairy element power
- S: Increased damage to the opposed element of your fairy
For PvP:
It’s suggested to have 4 badges, one for each class you're going against. The suggested effects are:
- C: Increased damage with X element OR chance to reflect 4500 damage
- B: Increased damage with X element OR chance to reflect 4500 damage
- A: Chance to heal a percentage of your max HP
- S: Increase all perfection points
- C PvP: Increased damage against enemies with higher max HP
- B PvP: Increased damage against enemies below 40% HP
- A PvP: Increased damage against specific classes (Archer, Mage, etc.)
- S PvP: Increased attack and defense in PvP scenarios
While these effects are suggested, they may vary based on your playstyle and class. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.