Starter Resistances
You can buy them at the Resistances NPC in NosVille.
The value of the resistances when right clicking on Shining Gloves/Boots in the shop will show you a false number. In reality, you will receive 42% of the Glove's/Boot's resistance.
High Resistances Gloves / Boots
You can craft this set at the Mithril Medal Exchanger NPC in PvP Rewards Map (in Port Alveus).
Dragonlord Gloves / Boots
You can craft this set at the Mithril Medal Exchanger NPC in PvP Rewards Map (in Port Alveus).
Orc Gloves / Boots
You can obtain this set by opening Pure Beast Raid Boxes.
Anticrit Gloves / Boots
You can craft this set at the Prestige 5 Special Items NPC.
Act 4
Act4 Gloves / Boots
You can craft this set at the Prestige 5 Special Items NPC. You can also craft them by exchanging 5 Act4 Coupons at the A4 NPC in Port Alveus.
Rainbow Battle
Rainbow Gauntlets / Boots
You can craft this set at the Rainbow Battle Exchange (Intro) NPC in PvP Rewards Map (in Port Alveus).
Rainbow Battle Gloves / Boots
You can craft this set at the Prestige 5 Special Items NPC.
Shadow Valakus' Glove / Shadow Kertos' Boots
You can craft this set at the Kan's Rewards NPC in Prestige 4.
Distorted Biome Gloves
You can craft this set at the Tool NPC in Arcade Zone in Prestige 6.
Shagow Magmaros' Resistances
You can craft this set at the Kan's Rewards NPC in Prestige 4.
Ancient Beast Gloves
You can craft this set at the Family Tower Rewards NPC in Prestige 4.
Fused Biome Gloves
You can craft this set at the Tool NPC in Arcade Zone in Prestige 6.
Infinity Tower
Gloves of infinite strive
You can craft this set at the Infinity Rewards NPC in Prestige 5.
Stone set Resistances
You can craft this set at the Merchant's Materials NPC in Prestige 6.
Premium stone breaker shoes/gloves
You can obtain this set at the Stone Coupon NPC in Port Alveus.
Lady Ghost boots / Candy Gloves
You can obtain this set during Candy Event (Halloween).